MI Area C

by Progresso

Maps & Navigation


MIAreaC allows you to check your position with respect to that of Area C in Milan. The App shows: 1) Milano Area C; 2) A green symbol that indicates that you are out of Milano Area C; 3) A yellow symbol next to the no-transit road sign if you are near Milano Area C; 4) A red symbol flanked by no-transit road sign if you are inside Milano Area C. When you enter Area C it will be possible to save the date and time of entry so that it can be recalled if you need to pay for the ticket. You can recall the last save made with the button showing the ticket. Position detection is used only for the purpose of comparing it with respect to Milano Area C and is data that is not stored and / or exported outside your device. The map can be displayed in satellite mode (by pressing the "SAT" button) or in street map mode (by pressing the "MAP" button). You can pause tracking to navigate freely on the map. --> The developer cannot be held responsible for facts and / or damages that may arise to the user and / or third parties from the use of this App and / or the Content, including but not limited to damages from lost earnings or unrealized savings.